Is cancer the most dangerous disease ?


What is cancer?

One of the most feared diseases in human history, cancer is one of the biggest causes of death globally. An estimated one million Indians are affected by this every year, and many of them pass away as a result.   

It is caused due to the uncontrollable cell division as the cell division is highly controllable but in cancer this mechanism is affected and leads to the abnormal growth of cell.               

Normal cells have a property known as contact inhibition, which prevents uncontrolled cell growth when they come into contact with other cells. It seems that cancer cells no longer have this property as a result the cancerous cell divides continuously and give rise to the masses of cell known as tumors. 

Tumors are of 2 type       

1. Benign tumors :   it is non-cancerous tumor as it is normally don’t spread to other areas. they stay fixed in their the original location. it is not dangerous and caused little damage.       

 2. Malignant tumor:  it is a cancerous tumor as there is a rapid cell growth causes the surrounding normal tissue to spread and become damaged. By actively fighting with normal cells with essential nutrients these cells strave them while multiply and divide. through the blood these tumor cells travels through the different locations in our body.


 it cause due to the error in cell division mechanism. Physical, chemical or biological agents can cause a normal cell to transform into malignant neoplastic cell. These agents are known as carcinogens.

Ionizing radiations as X-RAY and GAMMA RAY and non ionizing ray like UV can also cause DNA damage . Chemical agents present in tobacoo smoke is the major cause of lung cancerous.

viruses which causes cancer known as oncogenic viruses have genes called viral oncogenes.

Some common types –

1. Breast cancer: It is the most common type in females. it affected the females worldwide.

2. Lung cancer : It is second most common type and mainly cause by smoking.

3. Prostate cancer: It occurs in men in there prostate gland.

4. Blood cancer : Leukemia and lymphoma are the common blood cancer.

Signs and symptoms –

There are some general symptoms associated with are:

 Sweats or Fever:  Sweating at night or a high temperature (fever) might be caused by infections or side effects by medicine. It’s also a common occurrence for women during the menopause.   

 Fatigue : There are several reasons why you could feel more tired than normal, especially if you’re experiencing stress or are having problems falling asleep. However, if you constantly feel tired or if it seems out of the ordinary, it may indicate a medical issue – consult a doctor immediately.

Bleeding or bruising : If you have not injured yourself and you are experiencing unexplained bleeding or cuts, it is crucial to consult with your doctor. This involves vomiting up blood or coughing up blood, as well as having blood in your poop or pee. It also covers any unexplained vaginal bleeding following sex, the menopause, or in between cycles.

Pain or ache : One way our bodies alert us to a problem is through pain. It is more typical to have aches and pains as we age. However, any long-term or unknown pain in the body may indicate a more serious condition.

Weight loss : Small weight changes over time are quite normal, but if you have lost a noticeable amount of weight without trying to, tell your doctor.

Lump and Swelling : Any area of your body that has continuous tumors or swelling should be treated seriously. Any bumps in the testicles, breast, chest, stomach, armpit, or groin are included in this.

Detection and diagnosis –

Early detection is crucial because it frequently results in an effective course of treatment for the disease. Tissue biopsies, histological analysis of the material, and, in the case of leukemias, tests for abnormal cell counts in the blood and bone marrow are used to make the diagnosis. A biopsy involves slicing a sample of the suspected tissue thinly, staining it, and having a pathologist look at it under a microscope (histopathological exams).

Techniques like radiography (use of X-rays), CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) are very useful to detect cancers of the internal organs.

Computed tomography uses X-rays to generate a three-dimensional image of the internals of an object. MRI uses strong magnetic fields and non-ionizing radiations to accurately detect pathological and physiological changes in the living tissue.

Treatment –

1. Surgery – surgery is a common method of treatment. The surgeon removes part of the surrounding tissue as well as the mass of malignant cells (tumor) during the procedure. Occasionally, a tumor’s side effects are treated by surgery.

2. Chemotherapy – The term “chemotherapy” refers medicines used to destroy cancer cells. The medications can be administered surgically or orally. It is possible to provide various medication kinds simultaneously or one after the other.

3. Radiation – It  uses x-rays, particles, or radioactive seeds to kill tumor cells. tumor cells grow and divide faster than normal cells in the body. Because radiation is most harmful to quickly growing cells, radiation therapy damages tumor cells more than normal cells. This prevents the cancer cells from growing and dividing, and leads to cell death
The two main types of radiation therapy are:

  • External beam. This is the most common form. It aims x-rays or particles at the tumor from outside the body.
  • Internal beam. This form delivers radiation inside your body. It may be given by radioactive seeds placed into or near the tumor, a liquid or pill that you swallow or through a vein.    4. Immunotherapy – It is a type of cancer treatment where the patient’s body fights against the  infection. It includes the alpha interferon.

Preventions –

1. Don’t smoke 2. Maintains a healthy body weight  3. Take a healthy diet 4. Avoid alcohol  5. Use sunscreen   6. Screening test regularly

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is cancer?

Ans. It refers to a group of diseases characterized by abnormal cell growth that can invade and destroy normal tissues. These abnormal cells can spread to other parts of the body, a process known as metastasis.

2. What causes cancer?

Ans. It is caused by a combination of genetic factors, environmental exposures, and lifestyle choices. Specific causes can include smoking, exposure to carcinogens (like asbestos or certain chemicals), genetic mutations, and viral infections (such as HPV and hepatitis viruses).

3. What are the symptoms of cancer?

Ans. Symptoms can vary widely depending on the type and location of cancer. Common symptoms include persistent cough or hoarseness, changes in bowel or bladder habits, unusual bleeding or discharge, lumps or growths, unexplained weight loss, and chronic fatigue. However, symptoms can be nonspecific, so it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation.

4. How is cancer diagnosed?

Ans. Diagnosis typically involves a combination of physical exams, imaging tests (like X-rays and MRI), laboratory tests (including blood tests and biopsies), and sometimes genetic testing. These tests help determine the presence, type, and stage of cancer.

5. What are the treatment options for cancer?

Ans. Treatment options depend on the type, its stage, and other factors such as overall health and patient preferences. Common treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy (which targets specific molecules involved in tumor growth), immunotherapy (which boosts the body’s immune system to fight against it), and hormone therapy (used for hormone-sensitive cancers like breast and prostate cancer).

6. What is cancer staging?

Ans. It is a system used to describe the extent and spread of cancer in the body. Staging helps determine treatment options and prognosis. Stages are usually expressed from 0 to IV, with higher stages indicating more advanced disease.

7. Can cancer be prevented?

Ans. While not all cancers can be prevented, certain lifestyle changes can reduce the risk. These include avoiding tobacco, maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, limiting alcohol consumption, protecting oneself from the sun, and getting vaccinated against it-causing infections (like HPV).

8. which cancer is most dangerous?

Ans. Lung , Breast, Pancreatic, Prostate, Leukemia are consider most dangerous.


It is a formidable opponent, affecting millions worldwide each year. Understanding its causes, types, and treatment options empowers individuals to take proactive steps towards prevention and early detection. With continued research and advancements in medical science, the fight against cancer progresses, offering hope for a future where cancer is more effectively prevented, detected, and treated.


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