Gulab jal

What is gulab jal?

gulab jal

“Gulab jal” is a Hindi term that translates to “rose water” in English. It is a fragrant liquid made by distilling rose petals with steam. Rose water is commonly used in cooking, especially in Middle Eastern, Indian, and Persian cuisines, where it adds a delicate floral aroma to dishes and desserts. It is also used in cosmetics and religious rituals for its pleasant scent and refreshing properties.

Origin of gulab jal

The origin of rose water (gulab jal) dates back centuries and is believed to have originated in ancient Persia (modern-day Iran). The process of extracting rose water through steam distillation was refined and perfected in this region. It was then adopted and spread to other parts of the world, including India and the Middle East, where it became integral to culinary and cultural practices.

Historically, rose water was prized not only for its fragrance but also for its medicinal properties. It was used in traditional medicine for its perceived benefits for skin care, digestion, and even emotional well-being.

Today, rose water continues to be produced in various regions around the world, including Turkey, Bulgaria, and Morocco, each known for their own distinct varieties of roses and methods of production. It remains a popular ingredient in cooking, cosmetics, and religious ceremonies, maintaining its cultural significance and practical uses across different cultures.

Types of gulab jal

There are several types of rose water, each varying slightly in fragrance and flavor based on the species of rose used and the region where it is produced. Here are some common types:

  1. Persian Rose Water: Known for its delicate floral aroma and widely considered one of the finest rose waters. It is traditionally made from Damask roses (Rosa damascena).
  2. Bulgarian Rose Water: Made from Bulgarian Damask roses, which are highly aromatic and prized for their fragrance. Bulgarian rose water is known for its rich, deep floral scent.
  3. Indian Rose Water: Often made from Indian varieties of roses, such as Rosa centifolia. Indian rose water tends to have a lighter, sweeter fragrance compared to Persian or Bulgarian rose water.
  4. Turkish Rose Water: Made from roses native to Turkey, such as Rosa damascena and Rosa × centifolia. Turkish rose water is known for its intense floral aroma and is used in both culinary and cosmetic applications.
  5. French Rose Water: Produced mainly in Grasse, France, known for its perfumery industry. French rose water may feature specific cultivars like Rosa centifolia.

Each type of rose water can vary in intensity, fragrance notes, and sweetness, depending on the specific roses used and the production methods employed.

Industrial process of gulab jal

The making of rose water (gulab jal) traditionally involves a process called steam distillation. Here’s a general outline of how rose water is made:

  1. Harvesting Roses: The process begins with harvesting fresh rose petals. The quality of the rose water depends significantly on the quality of the roses used. Traditionally, roses like Rosa damascena (Damask rose) or Rosa centifolia (Provence rose) are preferred for their fragrance.
  2. Loading the Still: The rose petals are then loaded into a large copper still (also known as a distillation apparatus) along with water. The ratio of rose petals to water can vary depending on the desired strength of the rose water.
  3. Heating and Distillation: The still is heated gently to generate steam, which passes through the rose petals. As the steam rises, it carries the essential oils and aromatic compounds from the rose petals with it.
  4. Condensation: The steam carrying the rose essence travels through a coil or pipe where it is cooled down. This cooling causes the steam to condense back into liquid form, now enriched with the fragrance and essence of roses.
  5. Collection: The condensed liquid, which is now rose water, is collected in a container. The first distillation produces the most concentrated rose water (known as “first distillate”), while subsequent distillations produce lighter rose waters.
  6. Filtering and Storage: The collected rose water may be filtered to remove any remaining impurities or particles. It is then typically stored in glass bottles or containers to preserve its fragrance and freshness.
  7. Quality Control: Quality rose water is clear and has a distinct, pleasant fragrance characteristic of roses. It should not contain any synthetic additives or preservatives if it is pure rose water.

How to make gulab jal at home

Making rose water (gulab jal) at home is a straightforward process that allows you to ensure its purity and quality. Here’s a basic method to make rose water using fresh rose petals:


  • Fresh rose petals (preferably organic and pesticide-free)
  • Distilled water

Equipment Needed:

  • Large pot with a lid (preferably stainless steel or enamel-coated)
  • Heat-safe bowl that fits inside the pot
  • Something to elevate the bowl (like a heat-proof ramekin or small bowl)
  • Ice cubes or something to keep the bowl cool
  • Cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer
  • Glass bottle or container for storing the rose water


  1. Prepare the Setup:
    • Place the heat-safe bowl in the center of the large pot.
    • Scatter fresh rose petals evenly around the bowl inside the pot. Ensure they cover the bottom of the pot but do not overflow.
    • Fill the pot with just enough distilled water to just cover the rose petals. The water level should be about 1-2 inches above the petals.
  2. Create a Distillation Setup:
    • Place something heat-proof (like a ramekin or small bowl) in the center of the bowl to elevate it slightly.
    • Cover the pot with the lid upside down so that the handle is over the bowl. This allows the steam to condense and drip into the bowl.
  3. Heat and Steam:
    • Turn on the heat to medium-high until the water starts simmering.
    • Once the water begins to boil, reduce the heat to low to maintain a gentle simmer.
    • Place ice cubes or something cold on top of the lid to help the steam condense more quickly.
  4. Collect the Rose Water:
    • Steam and heat will cause the rose petals to release their essential oils, which will evaporate with the steam.
    • Allow the setup to simmer for about 20-30 minutes, or until the petals have lost their color and look washed out.
    • Check the bowl occasionally to make sure it doesn’t run dry. Add more ice cubes on top of the lid if necessary.
  5. Strain and Store:
    • Remove the pot from the heat and carefully lift the lid.
    • Carefully lift out the bowl from the pot. You now have rose water collected in the bowl.
    • Strain the rose water through a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer into a clean glass bottle or container to remove any remaining petals or debris.
  6. Cool and Store:
    • Let the rose water cool completely before sealing the bottle or container.
    • Store the rose water in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life. It should last for several weeks if stored properly.


  • Use fresh, organic rose petals for the best fragrance and purity.
  • Prior to usage, make sure all equipment is sterilised and cleaned.
  • You can adjust the amount of rose petals and water depending on how much rose water you want to make.
  • This method produces a small batch of rose water suitable for personal use. For larger quantities, you may need to repeat the process or use a larger pot.

Uses of gulab jal

Rose water (gulab jal) has a wide range of uses across culinary, cosmetic, and therapeutic domains. Here are some common uses:

Culinary Uses:

  1. Flavoring: Rose water is used to flavor various dishes and beverages, particularly in Middle Eastern, Indian, and Persian cuisines. It adds a delicate floral aroma and taste to sweets like baklava, Turkish delight, rice puddings, and milk-based desserts.
  2. Baking: It can be added to cakes, cookies, and pastries for a subtle floral flavor.
  3. Beverages: Rose water is used to flavor drinks such as lemonade, lassi (a yogurt-based drink), and cocktails.

Cosmetic and Skincare Uses:

  1. Toner: Rose water is a popular natural toner for the skin. It helps to hydrate, refresh, and balance the skin’s pH levels.
  2. Facial Mist: It can be used as a refreshing facial mist throughout the day to hydrate and rejuvenate the skin.
  3. Ingredient in Face Masks: Rose water is often used as a base or added ingredient in homemade face masks for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Makeup Remover: It can be used as a gentle makeup remover, especially for sensitive skin.
  5. Hair Rinse: Rose water can be used as a final rinse after shampooing to condition and add shine to hair.

Therapeutic and Aromatherapy Uses:

  1. Aromatherapy: Inhaling the scent of rose water is believed to have calming and relaxing effects, making it a popular ingredient in aromatherapy.
  2. Eye Care: Rose water can be used as an eye wash to soothe tired or irritated eyes.
  3. Anti-inflammatory: It has mild anti-inflammatory properties and can be used topically to soothe minor skin irritations and redness.

Religious and Cultural Uses:

  1. Ceremonial Uses: Rose water is used in religious ceremonies and rituals in various cultures as a symbol of purity and blessing.
  2. Perfumery: It is a common ingredient in perfumes and fragrances for its floral aroma.

Benefits of gulab jal

Rose water (gulab jal) offers several potential benefits due to its natural properties and is used in various traditional and modern applications. Here are some of the potential benefits:

Skincare Benefits:

  1. Hydration: Rose water helps hydrate and moisturize the skin, making it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and dry skin.
  2. Anti-inflammatory: It has mild anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe irritation and redness, making it beneficial for conditions like eczema and rosacea.
  3. Toning: Rose water acts as a natural astringent, helping to tighten pores and tone the skin.
  4. Antioxidant: It contains antioxidants that can help protect skin cells from damage caused by free radicals, thereby supporting skin health and reducing signs of aging.
  5. Balancing: Rose water helps balance the skin’s pH levels, which can reduce excess oil production and prevent acne breakouts.

Haircare Benefits:

  1. Conditioning: Using rose water as a hair rinse can help condition and moisturize hair, leaving it soft and shiny.
  2. Scalp Health: It can soothe and hydrate the scalp, potentially reducing dandruff and itchiness.

Health and Wellness Benefits:

  1. Aromatherapy: Inhaling the fragrance of rose water is believed to have calming effects on the mind and body, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
  2. Digestive Aid: Consuming rose water (in small quantities) may help improve digestion and alleviate digestive discomfort.

Culinary Benefits:

  1. Flavor: Rose water adds a unique floral aroma and flavor to a variety of dishes and beverages, enhancing their taste and appeal.

Additional Uses:

  1. Eye Care: Rose water can be used as an eye wash to refresh and soothe tired or irritated eyes.
  2. Wound Healing: Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties may aid in wound healing and minor skin injuries.

Cultural and Religious Significance:

  1. Symbolism: In various cultures, rose water is used symbolically in ceremonies, rituals, and celebrations as a sign of purity, blessing, and hospitality.

How to apply gulab jal on skin

Applying rose water (gulab jal) on the skin is a simple process that can provide various benefits for hydration, toning, and soothing. Here’s how you can apply rose water effectively:

1. Facial Toner:

  • Cleansing: Start with a clean face. To get rid of any particles, makeup, or contaminants from your skin, use your go-to cleanser.
  • Application: Pour a small amount of rose water onto a cotton pad or ball.
  • Gentle Application: Gently wipe the cotton pad soaked with rose water across your face and neck. Avoid from rubbing too hard, especially if your skin is sensitive.
  • Allow Absorption: Let the rose water air dry on your skin. It doesn’t need to be rinsed off.
  • Follow-up: Follow with your regular moisturizer or serum if desired. Rose water can enhance the absorption of subsequent skincare products.

2. Refreshing Facial Mist:

  • Spray Bottle: Pour rose water into a clean spray bottle for easy application.
  • Spritzing: Hold the spray bottle about 6-8 inches away from your face and lightly mist your skin. Keep your eyes closed while spraying.
  • Throughout the Day: Use it as a refreshing mist throughout the day to hydrate and rejuvenate your skin.

3. Soothing Compress:

  • Preparation: Soak a clean cloth or cotton pads in chilled rose water.
  • Application: Place the soaked cloth or pads on your eyes or any areas of irritation or inflammation for a few minutes to soothe and refresh.

Tips for Application:

  • Quality: Ensure you are using pure rose water without any added chemicals or preservatives for best results.
  • Sensitive Skin: If you have sensitive skin, perform a patch test before applying rose water to your entire face to check for any adverse reactions.
  • Frequency: You can use rose water daily as part of your skincare routine, morning and/or evening, depending on your preference and skin needs.

Disadvantages of gulab jal

While rose water (gulab jal) offers numerous benefits, especially when used correctly and in moderation, there are a few potential disadvantages or considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Skin Sensitivity: Some individuals may be allergic or sensitive to rose water. It’s essential to perform a patch test before applying it to your entire face or body, especially if you have sensitive skin or known allergies to roses or floral extracts.
  2. Overuse: Using rose water excessively or in high concentrations may potentially cause skin irritation, especially if it contains additives or preservatives. It’s recommended to use it in moderation and dilute it if necessary.
  3. Quality Concerns: Ensure that the rose water you use is pure and free from synthetic fragrances, additives, or preservatives. Low-quality rose water may not provide the same benefits and could potentially cause skin reactions.
  4. Not a Cure-All: While rose water has soothing and hydrating properties, it is not a substitute for medical treatment or professional skincare advice for specific skin conditions. Consult with a dermatologist if you have concerns about using rose water for your skin.
  5. Potential Staining: Some varieties of rose water, especially those made from deep-colored roses, may have a slight staining effect on fabrics or skin if used in large quantities. It’s advisable to use it sparingly and avoid contact with light-colored clothing immediately after application.
  6. Eye Irritation: If rose water accidentally gets into your eyes, it may cause temporary discomfort or irritation. Rinse thoroughly with clean water if this happens.

Overall, while rose water is generally safe and beneficial for many people, it’s essential to be mindful of potential sensitivities, quality concerns, and appropriate usage to maximize its benefits for skincare and other applications.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

1. What is rose water (gulab jal)?

Rose water is a fragrant liquid made by steeping or distilling rose petals with water. It is known for its delicate floral aroma and is used in culinary, cosmetic, and medicinal applications.

2. What are the benefits of using rose water?

Rose water has several benefits:

  • Skincare: It hydrates, tones, and soothes the skin, making it suitable for all skin types.
  • Aromatherapy: Inhaling its fragrance can have calming and relaxing effects.
  • Culinary: It adds a floral aroma and flavor to dishes and beverages.
  • Eye care: It can be used to soothe tired or irritated eyes.

3. How is rose water used in skincare?

Rose water can be used as a facial toner to hydrate and refresh the skin, as a facial mist throughout the day, or as an ingredient in face masks. It helps balance pH levels, soothe irritation, and provide antioxidant benefits.

4. Can I make rose water at home?

Yes, rose water can be made at home by simmering fresh rose petals in water and collecting the steam that contains the rose essence. It’s a simple process that allows you to ensure its purity and quality.

5. Is rose water safe for sensitive skin?

Generally, rose water is gentle and suitable for sensitive skin. However, it’s essential to perform a patch test before using it on your face or body, especially if you have allergies or sensitivities to floral extracts.

6. How long does rose water last?

Homemade rose water stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator can last for several weeks. Commercially produced rose water often contains preservatives and can have a longer shelf life, typically up to a year or more.

7. Can rose water be used in cooking?

Yes, rose water is commonly used in cooking and baking to add a subtle floral flavor. It is particularly popular in Middle Eastern, Indian, and Persian cuisines for desserts, beverages, and savory dishes.

8. What should I look for when buying rose water?

When buying rose water, look for products that are pure and free from additives or synthetic fragrances. Check the ingredient list to ensure it only contains distilled water and rose extract or oil.

9. How much rose water should I use?

The amount of rose water used depends on the application. For skincare, a small amount applied with a cotton pad or misted onto the face is sufficient. In cooking, start with a few drops and adjust to taste.

10. Can rose water be used during pregnancy?

There is limited research on the safety of using rose water during pregnancy. It is generally considered safe for external use in skincare and culinary applications, but consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns.


As we unravel the layers of gulab jal, it becomes clear that its impact transcends mere fragrance or flavor. From ancient civilizations to modern lifestyles, roses and their essence continue to enchant and enrich our lives in profound ways. Whether in skincare rituals, culinary delights, or spiritual ceremonies, gulab jal remains a timeless symbol of beauty, wellness, and cultural heritage. As we embrace its gifts, we honor a tradition that spans millennia, celebrating nature’s bounty in its most delicate and aromatic form.

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